Notes from Open Sewer, Summer 1999
What is the responsibility of the media to the general public?

Can we blame the media for the "mess" this country is in? Okay, we're all free to do what we want. Yes, this is true. So, if we're free, we can't blame the media for any of our problems, right? After all, every person is responsible for his or her own actions, right?

Here's where the logic breaks down: not everybody out there "takes the mental bull by its horns"... not everyone is a critical thinker. And ya know what? That's okay. It's alright to wanna live your life, raise your kids, entertain yourself a little and JUST HAVE PEACE. And it is those of us who live this way that become victims of the media. When you don't analyize everything that comes into your head, you become suseptible to it. And much of America is very suseptible to what the media feeds them.

Credit cards, pirate radio, individual choice, positive/negative energy, sport utility vehicles, bread, technology... just a few of the mini-themes at this opensewer. If you weren't there, you by-passed a two hour window in time when the lil' Red Star was the center of the intellectual universe. So there!

Click here to read the introduction that got everyone so riled up in the first place. Thanks much to John at the Red Star Cafe for hosting us!

center of the universe for one night...
the red star cafe

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