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What is the most important issue in America today? The condition of the economy? Our schools? Loss of morality? The debate over abortion? Health care? Social security?


These are all important issues, and they are the hot topics in current American political culture. But the dialogue that takes place in contemporary American "pop" politics does not address the most important worldly issue that currently exists (or, for that matter, has ever existed). The issue is summarized by one simple question:

How does one live in the world?

Materialism, rampant consumption, the over-marketing of America, the numbing of emotions by popular media, an over-accelerated, over-worked existence caused by too much information, too many means of communication and an overly mobile lifestyle that prevents the development of any sort of community... These are symptoms of the underlying problems that plague America (and much of the industrialized world) today.

Does a "common good" still exist?

Why are we so self-centered? Why is there no consideration for fellow humankind? Where is our sense of community? What good is a global economy when our small towns are falling apart, over-run by Wal-Mart, McDonalds, and the interstate highway system?

This website originally went by the alias "The Suburban Temple." We've dropped that name, but its inspiration still rings true: America is on its knees, bowing to suburban mentality. Suburbia: the sprawling, isolated landscape that promotes individual good above community, materialism above simplicity, and status above substance.

As the author of this content, OPENSEWER does not claim to have any absolute answers. We hope to raise questions, to provoke dialogue. The Public Open Sewer (linked elsewhere at this site) gives us a way to initiate local, face to face discussion about these issues.

OPENSEWER.COM, as a venue, reaches out with the hope of turning on a light in the places where the intellect and the soul have fallen asleep.

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